Wednesday, April 11, 2018

It May Have a Word...

Have you ever been part of something and new that you were seeing the end of that thing, whether it be a relationship, a business, an era, or something else? I have been witness to some things like that and many times I heard someone say something about the final word. When it comes to the final word one knows that nothing else can or will be said. It is, "the final word."

I've witnessed people give up on life because they feel like what they were going through, the news they received, what had transpired was the final word for them, and in the heat of the moment it may have SEEMED that way. I have also lived long enough at this point that I know that most of what people would deem as the final word really isn't the final word at all. It may be "a word" but it doesn't have to be the "final word."

That diagnosis may have a word, but it doesn't have to be the final word.
The bank may speak a word to you about that business idea or deal, but it doesn't have to be the final word.
That person may be able to speak a word, but it doesn't have to be the final word.

I believe there is only ONE final word, and it will be spoken to you and me by King Jesus. Until you hear from Him, just keep going.

The cross has the final word.

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