Friday, March 16, 2018

Who You Marry Matters

At Power Hour this past Wednesday I talked about the power of influence and decisions we make. We are currently in Genesis 24 as we study the life of Abraham. In Genesis 24 we find the story of Abraham sending his servant to get a bride for Isaac. If you grew up in church you’ve probably heard this story quite a few times, but on Wednesday I talked about the decision and impact of who you marry. I said, “Who you marry matters.” I didn’t ask for testimonies, but I could have. I wonder how you think about the truth of that simple statement, “who you marry matters.”

Abraham looked around at the culture and practices of the families of Canaan. He saw how they worshiped. He saw how they worked. He saw a lot of stuff that he didn’t like, and he said, “I don’t want that for my son, no way, no how.” He knew those influences would more than likely pull his son Isaac away from worshiping and serving the Lord than he pull them up toward God. So Abraham said, “I won’t have that in my house. I won’t allow that for my son.” Abraham was looking, not only at his immediate family, but at the generations to follow. Abraham wanted the generations of his family that would come long after he was dead and gone to be people who would worship and obey and serve Jehovah. He was determined to do everything in his power to make sure that Isaac was encouraged to follow God rather than led astray. Abraham knew that "Who you marry matters," He knew the impact of that decision on his life and he knew it would have a profound impact on Isaac and his family. Influence is powerful. Influence is critical. Influence is directional.

I'm not sure that I like, in any way, shape, or form, the current practice of dating in our culture. Not that hanging out is bad, but it is influential. Decisions are made and lives are altered. Why would I want one of my daughters allowing that kind of influence from someone they probably will never marry? I know this for sure, they won't marry the wrong person if they aren't dating the wrong person. And I think that's just part of my job as "Daddy," to keep they from hanging around, hanging out, and/or dating the wrong person. "Not my kids, and not at my house."

How about you and your family? Are you willing to stand up and say about your house, considering the ways of the world, “Not in my house! Not for my sons and daughters!” Are you willing to say like Joshua, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”? I am willing to lead my family like that. Will you join me? Will you do all that you can to raise a family that worships and serves the one true God? I pray that blessing on your family and mine.

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