Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday Mind Dump

I had a great talk with Morgan and Mya this morning on the way to school. I was asking each of them about their Life Group lesson from yesterday and they were telling me the story they learned and how it applies to their life. Morgan's class learned about Peter walking on the water. She talked about the ministry Jesus and the disciples had been doing prior to, she talked about the storm the disciples found themselves in, she talked about Jesus walking on the water, and she talked about Peter's experience walking on the water. I asked her where Peter's eyes were when he was walking on the water she said they were on Jesus. I asked her where his eyes were when he sank; she said they were on the water.

Where are your eyes focused? Where are my eyes focused? We will sink in a skinny minute if our eyes are on the stormy water of our lives, but if we will keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, we will walk where he walks: ON TOP OF THE STORMY WATER!

I couldn't help but think of the message yesterday from Acts 7. Stephen walked on top of the stormy water. He did NOT sink! It may have appeared that way to those gathered around throwing the stones or watching them be thrown. But from Jesus' perspective Stephen was walking on top of the stormy waters. His eyes were fixed on Jesus in that moment because Stephen had chosen to fix his eyes on Jesus and live for Him no matter where and no matter the cost. Stephen declared in his dying, "They are worth dying for if I was worth dying for." It will be worth it all when we see Jesus. Jesus is better!

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