Monday, November 4, 2013

Mission Impossible...Your Mission Should You Choose to Accept It

Yesterday I preached from Acts 5:27-42. Mission Impossible is how many Christians view the call of God on their lives. They don't think there's any way they can do what God wants them to do. His purpose is too big, His mission to costly. I know there are times in my own life when I have those same thoughts and feelings. But then the Holy Spirit reminds me that I need to take a step of faith. The writer of Hebrews tells us that it is impossible to please God without faith (Heb. 11:6). He also reminds me that I can do all things through Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:13).

Take a step. When it comes to hunting one step changes everything. It changes your view, it changes your perspective. Just one step allows you to see things you couldn't see before. It also gets you one step closer to your final destination. It's just like that in the spiritual realm of our lives to. Just one step of faith allows our Heavenly Father to show us things we couldn't see before. He gives us a different perspective. It's amazing what one step will do. One step of faith might change Mission Impossible to Mission POSSIBLE!

Take that step today!

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