Wednesday, November 9, 2016

11-11-16 email update

Weekly Update

Last night (Tuesday) was a stressful night. I stayed up until 1:15am trying to see the results of the election, and even then there was no clear winner for president. I was off to the hospital at 5:30am for a member’s surgery, and it was at that point that I learned we had a president-elect, Donald J. Trump. I’m sure you are aware of his campaign slogan “Make America Great Again.” That statement speaks volumes. It reveals that America, from the perspective of Donald and his team, had been great, was now no longer great, but could be great again with the right leaders with the right plan. I have been thinking a lot about that slogan today, and I believe that it will take many people working very hard for a long period of time to “Make America Great Again.” Great effort and energy, perseverance, and consistency are crucial components of any plan to see significant change in the USA. And then my mind began to think about Highland Baptist Church. I want to see HBC grow deep and grow wide. I long to see the members of HBC grow in their own personal relationship with King Jesus (DEEP). I long to see the members of HBC grow wide (increase attendance, church growth). In that sense I want to see HBC become “greater” than it’s ever been.

I believe King Jesus has a magnificent plan and purpose and mission for Highland Baptist Church, for you and for me. But I believe that a great part of that magnificent plan, purpose, and mission will never become a reality if you and I aren’t willing to put in the “great effort and energy, perseverance, and consistency” to see what we dream of and desire for Highland Baptist Church take place. Do you want to see America become great again? What price are you willing to pay so that it happens? Do you want to see Highland Baptist Church become an even greater church? What price are you willing to pay so it happens? I have really been spending a lot of time praying about 2017, and as I have prayed the Lord has redirected me to a different theme than I originally thought about. Our theme for 2017 will be “WHATEVER IT TAKES.” I truly believe the best days for this church are in front of her. We’ve had some great days in the past, but our best will be found in what lies ahead. I want to get there, “Whatever it takes.” I pray you will ponder and pray about this three-word statement. I pray it will grab hold of your heart with heavenly hooks that will never let go, and that you and I will spend the rest of our days serving King Jesus, “WHATEVER IT TAKES.”

Make plans to come back to church Sunday night for our annual business meeting at 6pm. It will be followed by a time of food and fellowship. If you haven’t grabbed an advance copy of the proposed budget and nominating committee recommendations, they are available for your preview at the Welcome Center. I want to thank the members of the Finance Team and the Nominating Team for your hard word. May God bless you all for your faithful service to the Lord Jesus at HBC.

Serving Him,

Pastor Mike

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