Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Weekly Email Update

It’s such a pleasure to write to you each week. I hope that you are encouraged, and at times informed about things at Highland. We have such a great church, and outside of the working of the Holy Spirit, what makes Highland great is YOU. I want you to know I appreciate you, and am so thankful for the way (s) you serve the Lord Jesus here. I am thankful to be called to serve along side you, and I pray the Lord Jesus multiplies our efforts to live for Him and serve Him. I love you with the love of Christ, and pray that you experience His powerful hand at work in you, around you, and through you.

On Sunday, April 6 we will have a voter registration table in the welcome area by the glass doors. If you have never registered to vote this will be your time to do so, I will even care your registration to Albemarle for you. You must be registered by April 10, 2014 to vote in the primary elections on May 6. Almost half of the Christian population across our state and country are not registered to vote. We can and will make a difference in the future direction of our country by either participating or refusing to participate. Don’t be a Christian who refuses to get involved. Your voice counts, my voice counts, and they sound great together.

Sunday is big day in the life of our church. We have a lot of things going on. We will celebrate both ordinances of the church: baptism and communion. We will participate in a baby dedication. Sunday night we will have our quarterly business meeting immediately followed by a time of fellowship in the FLC. Bring your favorite desert and finger foods, and let’s enjoy some family time.

There are two things on the calendar I want to make you aware of. The first is the youth sponsored golf tournament at Tillery Tradition Golf Club. We have a great time of golf and fellowship each year and we would love to have you be part of it. Even if you don’t play golf, come hang out with us and support our youth as they raise money for summer camp. Help us spread the word get as many teams as possible to play. If you have any questions see Pastor Matt ASAP. The second thing is that baseball season is just around the corner. We will be scheduling several trips to watch the Intimidators play ball this season. Be watching for times and signup sheets. Game time is always a fun time at the ballpark.

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