Thursday, January 9, 2014


Interruptions are usually not good and are usually not appreciated. We have all been interrupted, and sadly, we have all interrupted others. It's uncomfortable and unpleasant, most of the time.

But I will have to say when God interrupts it's awesome, when God interrupts, it's amazing, when God interrupts things get done and lives get changed. That's what happened at Highland this past Sunday...God interrupted. He interrupted me. Know you might be asking how He interrupted. Well, as I was getting ready to stand up to preach the message I felt He had led me to prepare, He placed something else on my heart. A single word and a single verse of Scripture, actually just a phrase in one verse. Now I don't know about you, but it's not always easy to follow the Lord at a moment like that, I mean, I've been praying, studying, preparing to preach this message, actually a series of messages to begin 2014 called I Am A Church Member, and I'm thinking, Lord, in all that time you could have given me some kind of heads-up about this little detour, but He didn't. And you know what, that's completely OK with me. God's "little detours" are usually fantastic. Oh, and the word was HOPE and the verse was Colossians 1:27, "Christ in you, the hope of glory."

It was refreshing to my soul to be reminded of the hope I have in Christ. It seemed that others were also refreshed. The Lord Jesus reminded us on Sunday that, as the old song goes, "My hope is built on nothing LESS than Jesus blood and righteousness." If you a building your hope, if you are placing your trust, on anything or anyone other than Jesus Christ, you are in for a huge let down. Your hope shattered on the rocks of emptiness. Trust Christ today and with all of 2014.

I hope to see you this Sunday at Highland. If you can't get to Highland, get to some church that will give you Jesus and Him only. He's all we need.

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