Thursday, January 30, 2014

Let it snow!

SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! My kids were so excited; they were out of school, and they finally got to use the sleds we bought them for Christmas two years ago. We had a great time. I hope you did also. Then my mind began to drift toward something else. Isaiah 1:18 came to mind. This verse of Scripture says, “’Come now, let us reason together,’ says the Lord: ‘though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as WHITE AS SNOW (emphasis added); though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.’”

When I think of snow I think of beautiful, perfect, clean, and pure. The Holy Spirit reminded me on Wednesday morning of this as it pertains to my life, since I came to God on His terms, and allowed Him to wash my life with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! May you bask in the glorious thought of being made white as snow, pure as snow through the perfect and eternal sacrifice of King Jesus. And may you spend this day and the next, until time ends and eternity begins, living your life as one big THANK YOU to the only one worthy of it. 

We are the church.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My CrossFit Journey (so far)

There have been times throughout my life I have worked out in one way or another. I would go for a while and then something would happen and I would stop. I would make progress and then get worse than I was in the first place. At one point several years ago my blood pressure was very high (160/100) and my other numbers were off the chart, literally. So I had to get on different medication to help. I have been on the medecine for over three years. I've lost and gained weight over this time and previously. And this is where CrossFit comes in. My wife, Melissa, started doing CrossFit about a year ago. She tried to get me to go and try it the whole time, and I finally gave in at the end of September. It took me two weeks to complete the four foundational classes, so the second Tuesday in October, 2013 was my first full class.

When I began I had to do push-ups from my knees, I had to use bands to help with pull-ups and chin-ups, I couldn't run more than 200 meters without having to walk. To say the least, I was in horrible shape. At this time, I also took the last of my prescriptions and couldn't get a refill until I went back to the doctor, so I decided to do without. Fast forward to Friday. I went to the doctor for a check up. My blood pressure, without meds for 3 months was 122/80. I haven't received the results of the blood work, but I bet it's much better. That's some pretty good progress if you ask me. But let me share some more results from CrossFit: I was able to do 25 (5x5) handstand push-ups last week, I did 25 unassisted pull-ups and chin-ups, 325 LB 3rep max dead lift (345 LBS once), 24" box jumps 9x5, and I am running any WOD distance without stopping. Oh and I'm down from 36 to 34 inch pants!!!

The only thing that will keep CrossFit from working for you is if you don't do it. Thank you Melissa for continuing to push me to be better. One of these days I may even beat you in a WOD. If you live in Stanly County come join me at CrossFit Delphi in Albemarle, if not, check it out at a CrossFit box near you.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Interruptions are usually not good and are usually not appreciated. We have all been interrupted, and sadly, we have all interrupted others. It's uncomfortable and unpleasant, most of the time.

But I will have to say when God interrupts it's awesome, when God interrupts, it's amazing, when God interrupts things get done and lives get changed. That's what happened at Highland this past Sunday...God interrupted. He interrupted me. Know you might be asking how He interrupted. Well, as I was getting ready to stand up to preach the message I felt He had led me to prepare, He placed something else on my heart. A single word and a single verse of Scripture, actually just a phrase in one verse. Now I don't know about you, but it's not always easy to follow the Lord at a moment like that, I mean, I've been praying, studying, preparing to preach this message, actually a series of messages to begin 2014 called I Am A Church Member, and I'm thinking, Lord, in all that time you could have given me some kind of heads-up about this little detour, but He didn't. And you know what, that's completely OK with me. God's "little detours" are usually fantastic. Oh, and the word was HOPE and the verse was Colossians 1:27, "Christ in you, the hope of glory."

It was refreshing to my soul to be reminded of the hope I have in Christ. It seemed that others were also refreshed. The Lord Jesus reminded us on Sunday that, as the old song goes, "My hope is built on nothing LESS than Jesus blood and righteousness." If you a building your hope, if you are placing your trust, on anything or anyone other than Jesus Christ, you are in for a huge let down. Your hope shattered on the rocks of emptiness. Trust Christ today and with all of 2014.

I hope to see you this Sunday at Highland. If you can't get to Highland, get to some church that will give you Jesus and Him only. He's all we need.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year from the Madaris family to you and your family. I trust you had a very special Christmas and a great time bringing in the New Year. I know you have probably, like me, made some New Year’s resolutions. I encourage you, since you have set some goals, to make an action plan so you will see it through. Don’t get discouraged by not taking the steps necessary to fulfill the commitment you have made to yourself, your family, the Lord Jesus, or whoever might be influenced and impacted. Make 2014 the best year ever!

I want to remind you that Highland Baptist Church is participating in the ONE Night of Worship at the Agri-Civic Center on Sunday night January 12 at 6 PM. Make plans to join other believers from around the county as we come together to worship King Jesus. We need a few greeters and a lot of singers, so if you would be interested in participating in one of these areas please let me know ASAP. I’m looking forward to worshiping with you then and throughout 2014.

Our theme for 2014 is We Are Church, and I will be preaching a six week sermon series called I am a Church Member. I hope you will come each week prayerfully prepared to hear from King Jesus through song, giving, and hearing the Word preached. We will be living out our theme as the body of Christ by means such as REACH via your Life Group, PLACE Ministry by which you will have an opportunity to find out how God has uniquely placed you in this body to serve Him, and the other ministries we currently use: AWANA, Revolution Students, Children’s ministry, Joy Club, worship team, greeting ministry, and so many more.

May God’s richest blessing be yours this year. I love you and am so thankful that we have this opportunity to serve the Lord together. I can’t wait.