Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Weekly Email Update

It’s such a pleasure to write to you each week. I hope that you are encouraged, and at times informed about things at Highland. We have such a great church, and outside of the working of the Holy Spirit, what makes Highland great is YOU. I want you to know I appreciate you, and am so thankful for the way (s) you serve the Lord Jesus here. I am thankful to be called to serve along side you, and I pray the Lord Jesus multiplies our efforts to live for Him and serve Him. I love you with the love of Christ, and pray that you experience His powerful hand at work in you, around you, and through you.

On Sunday, April 6 we will have a voter registration table in the welcome area by the glass doors. If you have never registered to vote this will be your time to do so, I will even care your registration to Albemarle for you. You must be registered by April 10, 2014 to vote in the primary elections on May 6. Almost half of the Christian population across our state and country are not registered to vote. We can and will make a difference in the future direction of our country by either participating or refusing to participate. Don’t be a Christian who refuses to get involved. Your voice counts, my voice counts, and they sound great together.

Sunday is big day in the life of our church. We have a lot of things going on. We will celebrate both ordinances of the church: baptism and communion. We will participate in a baby dedication. Sunday night we will have our quarterly business meeting immediately followed by a time of fellowship in the FLC. Bring your favorite desert and finger foods, and let’s enjoy some family time.

There are two things on the calendar I want to make you aware of. The first is the youth sponsored golf tournament at Tillery Tradition Golf Club. We have a great time of golf and fellowship each year and we would love to have you be part of it. Even if you don’t play golf, come hang out with us and support our youth as they raise money for summer camp. Help us spread the word get as many teams as possible to play. If you have any questions see Pastor Matt ASAP. The second thing is that baseball season is just around the corner. We will be scheduling several trips to watch the Intimidators play ball this season. Be watching for times and signup sheets. Game time is always a fun time at the ballpark.

Dr. Mark Harris, pastor of FBC Charlotte, Republican Candidate for US Senate NC

I recently had the privilege of representing Dr. Harris at the Stanly county Republican Convention. He wrote a letter to be read to the convention because he couldn't attend, and I stood in his stead and read it on his behalf. I would like to post that letter, and make a few comments.

Dear Friends,
Please accept this brief letter in my absence.

A strong America is built like a three-legged stool: a strong domestic policy, a strong foreign policy, and a commitment to traditional values. If one of these legs is weakened, the stood cannot stand. I have been saying exactly this on the campaign trail since we began this journey.

Today, renewing America means getting the right people in public office immediately. We simply have no time to wait and hope things improve. I sense we are at the height of a very different America unless you and I, and others of like-mind, stand together.

I am dedicated to the vital principles of liberty, limited government, faith, and family. These principles, and the Constitution itself, are under attack as never before. We must rise to their defense. I've been proudly laboring under these very principles my entire adult life as a husband, father, and through decades of publicly speaking truth without fear.

Right now North Carolina needs a man who is pro-life, pro-family, and pro-marriage between one man and one woman. North Carolina needs a man who is unwavering in his support for the 2nd Amendment. North Carolina needs a man who supports the full repeal of Obamacare, while making sure that every voter understands we have Obamacare because of ONE democrat senator from North Carolina. More than anything, North Carolina Republicans must nominate a man unencumbered by questions of character. I don't care how much experience you have, or how well you know the Constitution. If you don't have character, it just doesn't matter. I cannot stress this enough. Character is the absolute core of what North Carolina, and truly all of America, needs most. Character is undeniably paramount.

As a native of our great state, I am in this race to give North Carolinians a new voice in Washington. A voice that will be conservative and solutions-oriented. A voice that says free market solutions are better than government programs. A voice to say "NO" to Common Core and "Yes" to more local control of our public schools. A voice to say "NO AMNESTY" in discussions of illegal immigration. A voice not willing to substitute political gamesmanship or crony capitalism for doing what is right. I want to be a voice of all who recognize the dysfunction of big government and the corrosive effects of tax-and-spend politics. A voice, finally, to stand on the oath of office and the rule of law while demanding the same of all who serve our nation.

I bring the needed vision. My tested business and leadership skills in the Senate will begin the shift toward an earned pride we desperately need in America. I firmly believe in American exceptionalism, as did Ronald Reagan. President Reagan saw America as that "shining city upon a hill." My prayer and goal is to represent you well as your United States Senator from North Carolina. To do so, I ask for your support of the Mark Harris campaign. I need you to encourage family and friends to join us in this journey. The time is now. I join Senator Ted Cruz in a firm belief that a "morning in America" is at hand. Our brightest days are ahead. I humbly ask for your support. Today.

Please visit my website at to learn more and to get involved.

Thank you.
Candidate for U.S. Senate from North Carolina
Mark Harris

1. Mark Harris is the kind of representative we need in North Carolina. He is the kind of representative every person in America needs. No more politics as usual. He is a man of principle, integrity, and character. He will stand out in Washington.

2. Mark Harris has my vote. He believes like I believe. He will actually represent my values, biblical values, in Washington. No other candidate comes close.

3. Mark Harris will do what he says he will do. Other politicians make promises but don't keep them. We have their votes on record. We also have Mark Harris' life, ministry, and messages. He has never wavered or compromised. We need Mark Harris in Washington.

4. Register to vote by April 10. You may need to change your voter registration to Independent or Republican. Mark Harris is running in the Republican primary. You will not be able to vote for him: if you are not registered to vote, or if you are registered as a democrat. You don't have to register as a republican, but you must be a republican or an independent. If you are a registered independent, you will have to tell those working your precinct you wish to vote in the republican primary. That is the only way you will be able to cast your vote for Mark Harris.

Mark preached a message from Jeremiah chapter 8 at Highland this past Sunday. If you would like to hear that message please visit the church website at and click on the media tab.

Have a blessed day.