Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I am growing to love HBC more and more every day. I love the worship that we experience and participate in on a weekly basis. I have learned over the years, and am more convinced now than ever before, that worship is not a spectator event but a participatory event.  You may ask, “Pastor Mike, what do you mean?” 

I believe that many times we approach worship like a fan in the stands at a football or basketball game.  The fans are there and they see what is taking place on the field or court, but they are not allowed to play themselves.  Worship is not like that at all! When we come together as the family of God to worship the one true God, we get to participate. We are not expected to sit on the sidelines and watch, but are expected by our great God to actively engage. I have one question. Which would describe you? I pray that you will take advantage of every opportunity to worship. I pray you will be engaged. We will all be better for it.  See you Sunday.

Pastor Mike

BTW—we have an excellent opportunity to engage in some ministry this weekend, if you are available. The deacons will be doing some yard work for Sybil Cooper and Bob and Sylvia Newsome and they could use some extra hands. They will begin work at 9:30 AM. If you are interested in helping serve some of our family, please contact James Potts or one of the other deacons. God bless.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I was thinking...

I read this this morning as I'm spending time the Lord. I thought I would share it.

"One of the greatest things we have to be greatful for is God's mercy. A mother once approached Napoleon, seeking a pardon for her son. The emporer replied that justice demanded death. 'But I don't ask for justice,' the mother replied, 'I plead for mercy.' 'But your son doesn't deserve mercy,' Napoleon replied. The woman cried, 'It would not be mercy if he deserved it.' And he spared her son."

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Oh, give thanks to the God of gods! For His mercy endures forever. Oh, give thanks to the Lord of lords! For His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:1-3